Life with Us

Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care
St Patrick's is renowned for our strong emphasis on pastoral care. Our core values of mutual regard, mutual respect and dignity of the individual give focus and direction to our student management practices. True pastoral care can be seen in both formal and informal settings. The ongoing care and concern that staff show towards our students is evidence of our policy in action; in reflective times at the end of a student’s schooling they often comment that pastoral care is one of the most enduring memories of their time at St Patrick’s. Read more.
School Counsellor
The School Counsellor is available to help individual students with personal and educational problems. Students over 14 years can self refer, younger need a referral form. Link to referral form here. Our School Counsellor is available 5 days a fortnight.
House System
Our House system reflects the unity across the school and allows students to support a House identity in a broad range of sporting, cultural and academic activities. Students are allocated to a House on enrolment and siblings are all in the same House. Read more.
Community Service and outreach Programs
Students are encouraged through Religious Education and other classes to be involved in various community outreach and social justice activities.
Activities that we have been involved in recently as a school include Grandparents’ and Friends’ Day, fundraising for Caritas and St Vincent de Paul, Children’s Mission, NAIDOC Mass, the natural disaster appeals, singing at the local nursing home, students serving at a Seniors’ Week luncheons, student involvement as stewards at the Cooma Agricultural Show, visits to community groups by our choirs and performance groups.
The Secondary school has a program of both School Service and Community Service. The focus is on our Christian duty to do community outreach with whatever “gift” we have been given by God. The school’s award system recognises the hours of service completed.
Our school canteen provides a much-valued service to the school community under the direction of our Canteen Manager, Rebecca Abraham. The school canteen is located on the Secondary Campus and is available to secondary students at recess and lunch times. Lunch orders are processed for the students of K-6. A mini-canteen has been operating successfully for the K-6 students at regular intervals to allow them to purchase canteen items. The canteen provides an extensive range of healthy items at a reasonable cost. Parents are encouraged to assist in the canteen on a roster basis by simply contacting the Canteen Manager through the school office.
The canteen is open every:
- Monday
- Wednesday (Recess only for 7-10 students)
- Friday